Can You Bring Microspikes on a Plane? A Quick Read

Microspikes, though seemingly small, can make a big difference when it comes to staying safe on icy trails. If you're wondering whether you can bring them on a plane, then read our article and find out.

Hiking in the winter can be a great way to get some exercise and fresh air, but it can also be dangerous if you're not prepared for the conditions. One essential item that can help you stay safe on icy trails is a pair of microspikes.

These are small metal spikes that attach to the bottom of your shoes and provide traction on slippery surfaces. But if you're planning to fly to your hiking destination, you might be wondering whether you can bring microspikes on a plane.

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The TSA's Rule on Spikes

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has a rule prohibiting "sharp metal objects" in carry-on and checked bags. This would seemingly include microspikes, which are made of steel or aluminum and have sharp points. However, the TSA makes an exception for items that are "used for sports, recreation, or hiking," as long as they meet the following criteria:

-The item is packed in checked luggage;

-The item is less than 7 inches long;

-The item is less than 2 inches wide; and

-The item does not have a pointed tip.

Based on these guidelines, microspikes are allowed in checked luggage. But, Crampons and microspikes are also allowed in carry-on bags, with special instructions and the final decision will be in the hands of Airport Security. So if you're planning to bring them on a plane, make sure to pack them in your checked bag rather than carrying them on with you.

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Final Words

Microspikes can be a great way to improve traction and safety on icy trails, but if you're planning to fly to your hiking destination, you'll need to pack them in your checked bag rather than carry them on with you.

Though the rules vary from one country to another, in general, you can bring sports-related equipment on a plane, and the best option is to carry them in checked luggage.

And If you're looking for the best way to stay safe while hiking in ice and snow, look no further than our list of the best microspikes for hiking. These little wonders provide an extra grip for your boots, making it easy to get around without fear of slipping. And with our handy guide, you can find the perfect pair for your needs. So what are you waiting for? Click the button below to check out our article now!

check out the best microspikes for hiking
Learn the ins and outs of turkey calling from the experts.
Yes you can pack your microspikes in your checked bags to carry them on planes

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